Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Stamps of Life stamps, dies and patterned paper pads

BOWED cutting plates?!!

Hi there
So I finally managed to get my big shot machine and it was truly a task. It isn't sold anywhere locally (believe me I've looked!) and after watching maybe hundreds of videos I decided it was time to make my first cut.
Watcing that beautiful unmarred cutting plate suddenly become tainted was almost painful but so far so good.
I decided I would use all the advice given to preserve them for eternity (me being seriously ridiculous) however maybe at my 5th cut disaster struck.
No it did not BOWED!!! AND NOT BY A LITTLE!!!
Back to me watching a tonne of videos on how to fix my precious cuttung pads.
After watching a bunch of videos on youtube about baking it and scalding it I knew I definitely had to use heat but like hell I was gonna bake it and run the risk if it being destroyed!
Finally here's my hack. (I have no idea if it was discovered before)

Let me preface this by saying I have no idea if there's any damage caused by this method.

Take your heat gun  (I used the Nicole embossing heat gun) and blast away at that cutting plate (on a heat friendly surface preferably) with the bowed side up. Keep moving the gun all over the surface not forgetting the ends.
After about ten minutes it will go almost flat.
That's it! I know I yap a lot but hey when nothing is easily available I get pretty passionate about finding ways to save 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Hello my friends

Hi there I'm Lisa. I'm from the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. I'm a stay at home mom who loves crafting and I'm big on DIY projects with limited resources. I'm even bigger on saving some bucks to better feed my craft addiction.

Let me share with you my trials and tribulations and quite possibly epic fails as I occasionally journey into unknown territory.

I love crafting!!!